James A. Ditch Education Fund Scholarship Application
Jim Ditch was a founder of the Southern California Regional Transit Training Consortium (SCRTTC), now known as the California Transit Training Consortium (CTTC). His passion for training and education was unprecedented. This Education Fund was established in honor of Jim and will provide much needed support to students who wish to pursue and/or advance their career in public transportation. There are numerous scholarships awarded each year, up to $5,000 per individual. Thank you for your submission. For questions please contact Executive Director, Jennifer Carr, at scholarships@scrttc.com or (310) 694-3969.
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Full Name of the Applicant *
Provide your Full Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)
Scholarship Application Requirements
◼ Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units
◼ Must be enrolled in at least one automotive/transportation course
◼ Must have successfully completed at least one automotive/transportation course
◼ Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
◼ Must provide at least one letter of recommendation from an automotive/transportation instructor in PDF.
◼ Must provide current unofficial college transcripts in PDF.

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